The MM7.10 was designed to measure the physical effects of rotational and linear acceleration. In order to achieve this, the sensor includes MEMS measuring elements connected to an appropriate integrated circuit.
A rotational acceleration around the integrated sensing elements generates a Coriolis force, which changes the internal capacity of the micro machined sensing parts. Furthermore, a pure surface micro machined element is used to measure the vehicle linear acceleration in all 3 axis. This combination of rotational and linear acceleration sensors enables a precise measurement of the vehicle dynamics.
The main feature and benefit of this sensor is the combination of 3 linear and 3 rotational accelerometers and its high speed 1 Mbaud CAN-signal output.
- Downloads
- Features
- Application
- Technical Specifications
- Installation Notes
- Ordering Information
- Dimensions
- Legal Restrictions
- Legal Restrictions
- Application 1: ±163°/s (roll / pitch / yaw rate)
- Application 2: ±4.2 g (X, Y and Z acceleration)
- Weight w/o wire: 35 g
- Size: 80 x 56 x 23.3 mm
- Power supply: 8 to 16 V
Application I | ±163°/s (roll / pitch / yaw rate) |
Application II | ±4.2 g (X, Y and Z acceleration) |
Operating temperature range | -20 to 85°C |
Technical Specifications
Mechanical Data
Weight w/o wire | 35 g |
Size | 80 x 56 x 23.3 mm |
Electrical Data
Power supply | 8 to 16 V |
Max input current | 100 mA at 7 V |
CAN speed | 1 Mbaud or 500 kbaud |
CAN Message
CAN ID 01 0x174 |
Byte | Value |
0 | Yaw rate |
1 | |
2 | Reserved |
3 | |
4 | Acc Y-axis |
5 | |
6 | Reserved |
7 | Unused |
CAN ID 02 0x178 |
Byte | Value |
0 | Roll rate |
1 | |
2 | Reserved |
3 | |
4 | Acc X-axis |
5 | |
6 | Reserved |
7 | Unused |
CAN ID 03 0x17C |
Byte | Value |
0 | Pitch rate |
1 | |
2 | Reserved |
3 | |
4 | Acc Z-axis |
5 | |
6 | Reserved |
7 | Unused |
Characteristic Application I | |
Measuring range | ± 163°/s |
Over range limit | ± 1,000°/s |
Absolute physical resolution | 0.1°/s |
Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) | 15 Hz; 30 Hz; 70 Hz |
Characteristic Application II | |
Measuring range | ±4.2 g |
Over range limit | ±20 g |
Absolute physical resolution | 0.01 g |
Cut-off frequency (-3 dB) | 15 Hz; 30 Hz; 70 Hz |
Connectors and Wires
Connector (1) | AMP 114-18063-076 |
Mating connector (1) | F02U.B00.435-01 |
Pin 1 | Gnd |
Pin 2 | CANL |
Pin 3 | CANH |
Pin 4 | UBat |
Connector (2) | ASL606-05PC-HE |
Mating connector (2) | ASL006-05SC-HE |
Pin 1 | UBat |
Pin 2 | Gnd |
Pin 3 | CANH |
Pin 4 | CANL |
Pin 5 | Not connected |
Sleeve | DR-25 |
Wire with open end (3) |
Red wire | UBat |
Black wire | Gnd |
White wire | CANH |
Blue wire | CANL |
Wire size with open end (3) | 4 x AWG24 |
Wire length L | 15 to 100 cm |
CAN Parameters
Byte order | LSB (Intel) |
CAN speed | 1 Mbaud or 500 kbaud |
Bit mask | unsigned |
Offset (all signals) | 0x8000 hex |
Quantization Roll Rate | 0.005 [°/s/digit] |
Quantization Pitch Rate | 0.005 [°/s/digit] |
Quantization Yaw Rate | 0.005 [°/s/digit] |
Quantization Acc X-axis | 0.0001274 [g/digit] |
Quantization Acc Y-axis | 0.0001274 [g/digit] |
Quantization Acc Z-axis | 0.0001274 [g/digit] |
Installation Notes
Mounting position: The MM7.10 must not be mounted with connector pointing upwards. Other than this Bosch has no restrictions for the mounting orientation. We recommend to align the sensor coordinate system to the vehicle coordinate system as this is the orientation that most systems will require and thus no mathematical transformation is needed. |
The MM7.10 can be connected directly to most control units and data logging systems. |
Please avoid abrupt temperature changes. |
For mounting please use only the integrated fixing holes. |
Please ensure that the environmental conditions do not exceed the sensor specifications. |
Please find further application hints in the offer drawing at our homepage and calibration sheet. |
Please deliver the calibration sheet with your order placement. |
Please note: CAN ID 04 0x7DC, RX1 0x7DF and RX2 0x7D4 are used for configuration of the sensor (SYNC). Make sure that the CAN ID 04 0x7DC, RX1 0x7DF and RX2 0x7D4 are not used in your CAN network by any other device. |
CAN DBC file on request |
Standards considered on request |
Safety Note
The sensor is not intended to be used for safety related applications without appropriate measures for signal validation in the application system. |
Ordering Information
Acceleration Sensor MM7.10
Without wire (1)
Order number: F02U.V03.092-01
Acceleration Sensor MM7.10
Wire with motorsport connector (2)
Order number: F02U.V03.092-02
Acceleration Sensor MM7.10
Wire with open end (3)
Order number: F02U.V03.092-90

Legal Restrictions
The sale of this product in Mexico is prohibited.
Due to embargo restrictions, sale of this product in Russia, Belarus, Iran, Syria, and North Korea is prohibited.
Legal Restrictions
Due to embargo restrictions, sale of this product in Russia, Belarus, Iran, Syria, and North Korea is prohibited.